Paramhansa Yogananda
Author of the best-selling spiritual classic Autobiography of a Yogi, Yogananda arrived in America in 1920 to share the timeless teachings of Raja Yoga with the west. His message is one of compassion, Divine Friendship, and of the underlying unity of all religions. Leading by example and precept, Yogananda’s life united both the culture and spirituality of East and West.
As the first master of yoga from the east to spend most of his life in the west, Yogananda’s influence has had a deep and lasting impact on many souls. His extensive writings on different scriptures including especially, the Bhagavad Gita and the Bible, reveal a depth of wisdom along with practical solutions to life’s everyday dilemmas. His teachings not only on meditation and yoga but also on health and diet, success and prosperity, relationships, business and more, are reaching an ever-growing number of students.

Raja Yoga
As taught by Paramhansa Yogananda, the teachings of Raja Yoga provide a practical system of physical, mental and spiritual development leading to health, prosperity, inner happiness, and ultimately, Self-Realization.
The practices of devotion, service, introspection and deep meditation, can awaken the highest human potential. Especially in the context of spiritual community, these values of ‘simple living and high thinking’ (as Yogananda called them) can be cultivated, shared and expressed in all aspects of life.
Raja, or the ‘royal’ highway of yoga, emphasizes the practices of meditation and pranayama by which spiritual evolution can be hastened. At the behest of his guru Sri Yukteswar and their lineage of yoga masters, Yogananda brought to the west the essence of these practices: the science of Kriya Yoga. Kriya Yoga is a simple but powerful technique to awaken our dormant spiritual awareness, uniting soul with Spirit.
The treasure of friendship is your richest possession, because it goes with you beyond this life. All the true friends you have made you will meet again.. for real love is never lost.
In being of spiritual, mental and material service to others, you will find that, without seeking, your own needs will be fulfilled. As you forget self in service to others, you will find that, without seeking it, your own cup of happiness will be full.
As I radiate love and good will to others, I will open the channel for God’s love to come to me. Divine Love is the magnet, that draws to me all good.